2024-10-01 – Health – www.health.com
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‘ title=”Midsection Of Woman Holding Rice In Bowl”>
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Medically reviewed by Jamie Johnson, RDNMedically reviewed by Jamie Johnson, RDN
Rice is a staple carbohydrate in many people’s diets. Whether you’re looking for a rice alternative for different dietary patterns, such as low-carb and paleo diets, or have run out of rice in the middle of making your favorite recipe, there are plenty of options to try.
Here are 13 rice alternatives, including gluten-free, paleo, and low-carb options.
1. Riced Cauliflower
<img src=’https://www.health.com/thmb/nagJ-8QAsTFR37h6JBGvRIyoJ5A=/fit-in/640×480/Health-GettyImages-CaliflowerRice-1adb5cec1b0a47b3bf9c6b215e464564.jpg’ alt=’
VeselovaElena / Getty Images